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Page references followed by f or t refer to figures and tables, respectively.

Aakhus, Mark, 371n22, 373n38
Abbott, Andrew, 361n16
accessibility: privacy as control over, 6–8, 22, 125, 157, 160, 162, 166, 169, 219–20, 223,
284; privacy-publicity as a continuum of, 4, 5, 219, 284. See also identity; “islands of privacy” metaphor; parking (street); power; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; private; public; publicity; relationships; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar); windows; yards
accessibility, social: conflict over, 214, 221, 222; definition of, 160; designing for, 259–
61; expectations for, 196, 218; managing, 159, 160, 162, 167–70, 176, 208–9; as a personal problem/burden, 159, 169, 176, 208–9; relationship between physical and, 15, 125, 157, 160–62, 166, 209, 212–14, 218–25, 227–28, 234, 238, 251,
255, 259–61, 271–82, 373n2; relationships and, 160, 167–70, 200–202, 205, 209,
214, 262, 265–66; scheduling and, 160–62. See also identity; “islands of privacy” metaphor; parking (street); power; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; private; public; publicity; relationships; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication
(ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/
channeling among; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar); windows; yards
Adler, Patricia and Peter, 129
Agre, Phillip E., 379n9
Ahde, Petra, 369n33
Alexander, Christopher, 374n9
Allen, Anita, 4
Altheide, David L., 316
Altman, Irwin, 6, 22

American Beauty, 374n10

Anderson, Elijah, 376n28
Anderson, Leon, 367nn14–15
Arlington Road, 367n15
attention: demands for, interruptions as, 163–64, 170, 370n7, 370n10; demands for, technology and increase in, 167–79, 201, 208; getting, 164, 166, 169, 174, 370n7; giving, 164, 166, 169, 177, 198, 370n7, 370n10; physical versus virtual competition for, 176–77, 209; power and, 162–64, 166, 169, 199, 202; relationships and need for, 167, 169–70, 174, 209; status and, 164–65. See also interruptions; objects; objects, classification of; power; relationships; self; sociotechnical system(s); technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among
attention management, 157, 163–64; channeling and, 181–88; flashing and, 166, 204,
295, 370n11; individuals’ goals, 179–81, 202; “overload” response and need for,
204–5; problem of, 167–68, 175–79; solutions, 179–89, 196–202; urban experience and, 166, 203–5. See also interruptions; objects; objects, classification of; power; relationships; self; sociotechnical system(s); technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among
Bachelard, Gaston, 374n10
Balliett, Blue, 373n6
Bateson, Gregory,128, 289, 364n42
Bateson, Mary Catherine, 371n16
beaches: appreciation for/interest in, 4, 322–23, 325; boundary play at the, 11–12, 15–16,
323; boundary work at the, 11–16, 323; “categorical,” 325; “metaphorical,” 16,
325; North, 11–16, 357n6; occupations focused on, 323; perimeter of home as,
212; “private-public” classificatory, 210, 324; relationship to islands and oceans,
4, 11, 160, 325; tsunami effect at the 291; wallets and purses as, 99, 157. See also boundary(ies)(categorical/classificatory); children; classification; culture; “islands of privacy” metaphor; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar)
Bearman, Peter, 373n4
Beck, Ulrich, 116, 153, 156 beepers, 63, 107, 177, 191–92, 334
Bell, G., 373n1
Bell, Genevieve, xi, 372n30
Bell, Michael, 378n32
Ben-Ari, Eyal, 373n3
Berger, Peter L., 289, 369n34
blog(ging), 170; blogactive.com, 363n30; postsecret.blogspot.com, 361n17
Boden, D., 372n29
Bok, Sissela, 23, 25, 46, 51–52, 359n7, 363n32
boundary(ies) (categorical/classificatory): artificial nature of, 10, 324–25; categorical/ classificatory, 4, 10, 49, 108, 128, 131, 136, 243, 269, 312, 324–25, 375n19; conflict, 10, 13, 14, 213; crossing, 32–33, 69, 99, 175, 245–46, 257–58, 281,
365n2; culture and, 324–25; doors as, 213; drawing/placing, 2, 31, 175, 188, 261,
269, 324, 325, 371n25; dynamic nature of, 324, 325; home-work, 161;
negotiations, 9, 11, 213, 277, 324, 325; play, 10–16, 88–89, 230, 323, 358n9,
359n9, 364nn41–42, 369n26; private-public, 3, 10–11, 14–15, 24, 88, 99, 142,
156, 157, 251, 261, 269, 273, 277, 281, 324, 365n1, 369n26; skills, 14, 281; social, 27, 31, 187, 360n9; spatial, 161, 167, 187–88, 251, 373n2, 377n29; success/failure, 14, 230, 265, 323; temporal, 26, 160, 161, 167, 187–88; work, 9–
16, 27, 88, 253, 259, 323, 357n6. See also beaches; children; classification; culture; power; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and
communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among; yards
Brandeis, Louis D., 7
Braudy, Leo, 378n1
Brekhus, Wayne, 359n8, 367nn14–15
Brin, David, 368n24

Brokeback Mountain, 41–42

business card(s), 104–5, 108, 110–11, 127, 133, 154–55, 183, 242; private-public hybrid nature of, 130–31, 139–41; symbolic meaning of, 140–41. See also objects; objects, classification of
caller ID. See telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar) Cate, Fred H., 368n24

Catch Me If You Can, 367n20

cats, 284–85, 308, 347 (appendix B) Cavoukian, Ann, 298

Celebration, The, 361–62n21, 363n31

Celebrity, 357n3

cell phones. See telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar) Cerulo, Karen, 312, 316
Charrett, Sheldon, 368n22
Chayko, Mary, xi, 146, 169, 177, 358n3, 372–73n37, 377n30
Chesbro, Michael E., 298
children: abuse of, 23, 32–33, 72–74, 115t, 273, 352, 363n28, 363n31; affect on private- public boundary, 223, 259; awareness of boundaries, 13, 32–33, 44–45, 218, 257,
259–61, 349, 351; at the beach, 13, 357–58n6, 358n8; boundary concerns on behalf of, 6, 13–14, 23, 44–45, 72–74, 83, 140, 227, 249, 244; as boundary management assistants, 174, 184, 202; bullying of, 170; neighborhood, 73, 215,
223, 249, 254–55, 257–58, 265–66, 352, 373nn5–6; phone answering and, 171,
184, 202; photos of, 125, 149, 154t, 350; purses and, 97, 369; secrets and, 22, 27,
30, 32–33, 36–37, 38–39t, 44–45, 48, 65, 83, 85, 97, 227, 350, 359n9, 363n28; sidewalk life and, 258. See also privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations
class (social), 2, 16, 18, 366n12, 376–77n28, 378n36
classification, 108–9, 116–18, 128, 131, 251, 253, 270, 323, 365n4. See also beaches; boundary(ies)(categorical/classificatory); business card(s); credit cards; government; information; “islands of privacy” metaphor; mail; money; neighborhoods; neighbors; objects; objects, classification of: hybrid (public/ private); parking (street); private; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; public; publicity; scenarios; trash; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; yards

Contender, The, 357n4

Conversation, The, 360n13

corporations, 3, 6, 145–56, 298–301, 316, 321–22, 374n12, 379n5
Coser, Rose, 152
Couch, Carl J., 168, 372n37
Crabb, Peter B., 371n20
credit cards: fears concerning, 119, 124, 137–38; financial reputations and, 121–24, 136–
38, 367n18; identity theft and, 121–24, 137; private-public hybrid nature of, 100,
102–3t, 108, 110, 113t, 117, 119, 124, 130, 136–38, 242; symbolic meanings of,
131, 138, 145
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 147, 149
culture: anonymity and, 368n22; boundary-beaches of, 325; material, 142, 152, 157; organizational, 312; privacy and, 4, 6, 17, 301, 323–25; publicity and, 147, 378n1; of secrecy, 67, 362n22
customer loyalty cards and, 148, 304, 321, 356 (appendix B), 368nn21–22
databases, 190, 300, 314, 349, 355; poisoning, 304
Degan, Monica, 378n32
Derber, Charles, 164, 169, 378n1
dogs: consequences of walking, 253–55, 263, 270; door-answering with, 217–18; as
“familiar strangers,” 254, 257; neighborhood interactions and, 210, 253–55, 270–
71; and other pets, 256–57, 283; pretending to have, 257; as privacy managers,
213, 257; security and, 219, 257; visibility of, 73, 251, 253–57, 270–71
door-answering behaviors, 209, 213–23, 270; changes in, 219–20; cultural expectations regarding, 214, 218–23; dogs and, 217–19, 257; fears associated with, 219, 257;
front vs. backdoors, 214, 222–23, 280; goals of, 214; on Halloween, 217–19, 258,
373–74nn5–7; Jehovah’s Witnesses and, 23, 62, 220–22, 374n8; screening and,
214–16, 373n4; similar to answering the phone, 214, 221, 223; systems surrounding, 215–17, 223, 373n5, 374n9
Dourish, Paul, xi, 368n25, 371n23, 373n1
driver’s licenses, 5, 100, 101t, 111, 115–16, 119, 124, 127, 144–45, 149, 153t, 154t, 347,
352, 365n2
Duff, Christina, 371n17, 371n20
Duneier, Mitchell, xi, 365n1, 375n15, 376n28
email: filtering of, 180, 184, 188, 192, 195–96, 198–99, 371n26, 372; identity and, 146,
317; management through multiple addresses, 173–74, 177, 184, 188, 195–96,
356, 371n21; monitoring others’, 75; as part of a sociotechnical system, 177, 178t,
181–84, 187–89, 195–96, 209, 306, 308, 367; as a preferred channel, 182–84,
199–200; resistance to, 189–90, 192, 197, 351, 371n26; rules for checking, 179–
81, 184; spam, 172–73, 180, 184, 192, 195–96, 198, 207, 315, 372n31; specific uses of, 200, 308, 346, 353, 356
Etzioni, Amitai, 7, 321, 380n11
Everett-Church, Ray, 368n24
Facebook, 170, 321, 372n28
filtering/screening behaviors: at the door, 214–16, 222–23, 373n4; logic of, 169, 180–81,
184, 185f, 192, 198, 204–5, 214, 370n20; email and, 180, 184, 188, 192, 195–96,
198–99, 371n26, 372n31; policies about, 180–81, 192–93, 196, 200, 203, 214,
216–17, 245; priorities guiding, 196, 202–3, 214, 373n4; resistance to, 193, 202–
3; telephones and, 172, 182–85, 187, 192–94, 196, 198, 200, 202–3, 214, 223,
370n20; worries about, 193–94, 214. See also email; technology(ies); technology (ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar)
Fine, Gary Alan, xi, 143, 360–61nn14–15, 361n19, 369n34
Fischer, Claude S., 168, 372–73nn35–37 flashing, 166, 204, 295, 370n11
Fleck, Ludwig, 369n34
Foucault, Michel, 165
framing/frame analysis: “breaking frame,” 290; “in frame,” 290, 295, 297, 316;
mismatch, 289–90, 379n2; of objects, 117, 128, 131; out of frame, 297–98,
316; play and, 88–89; privacy violations and, 289, 290f, 291–93, 295, 379n2. See also privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; publicity
Franks, David, 11, 369n34
Gagnon, John H., 372n37
Gallagher, Winifred, 378n32
Gamson, Joshua, 143, 357n3, 369n34, 378n1
Gans, Herbert J., 376n28
Garfinkel, Simson, 7, 298, 368n24
gender: discrimination, 96; doing, 148, 373n1; identity, 148; trans-, 89–96; work, 148,
324. See also interruptions; wallets and purses; wallets and purses,contents
Gergen, Kenneth J., 168, 175–77, 209, 372–73n37, 378n1
Germain, Brian, 316
Giddens, Anthony, 116, 142–43, 152, 318
Gilliom, John, 378n36
Gina and Sarah, 3, 5–7, 9–11
Gladwell, Malcolm, 363n25
Glaser, Barney G., 142, 367n16
Glassner, Barry, 316
Goffman, Erving, 24, 128–29, 141, 160, 162, 204, 289–90, 363n23, 367–68nn19–20,
368n22, 378n34
Google Street View, 374n12
government: Bush (George W.)–Cheney Administration, 17, 70, 298, 301, 316,
360; housing (Section 8), 260, 273, 279, 376n26, 378n35; as intrusive, 3, 212,
291, 298, 301, 316, 360n13, 365n2; public nature of, 115t, 131; and secrecy, 17,
26, 37, 82, 291, 298, 301, 359n6, 362n22, 363n27. See also privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations
GPS/Onstar, 321, 355
Green House Project, 358–59n4
Grindstaff, Laura, 378n1
Gross, Benjamin M., xi, 371n21
Grudin, Jonathan, 371n23
Halloween, 73, 217–19, 258, 373–74nn5–7
Hamilton, Tyler J., 298, 379n5
Henson, Kevin, 369n36
Hermanowicz, Joseph, 33
Hetherington, Kevin, 378n32
Hirota, Janice, 357n3
Hiss, Tony, 378n32
Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 87, 316
Holiner, Richard, 369n29
Holyfield, Lori, 361n15
home. See privacy, places associated with
Honigmann, John Joseph, 19
Horvitz, Eric, 371n23
Hunter, Albert, 268–70, 376–77n28
Hunter, Richard, 379n7
identity: accessibility of, 22–23, 175; anonymity, 34, 141, 144–45, 152, 156, 232, 268,
280–81, 368n22; autobiographical objects and occasions and, 127, 147, 149–51,
280, 366n14; centrality of secrets for, 27, 41, 60, 66, 94, 360n13, 363n24; concept of, 23, 152–53, 358n3; continuum, 141; kit(s) (wallets and purses as), 99, 141–42,
150, 152, 154t; modern, 144, 152, 154t, 168; postmodern, 153t, 154–55t, 168,
209; privacy as control over, 22–23, 324, 366n9, 378n33; selective disclosure and concealment of, 22–24, 141, 145–46, 148, 151, 157, 367n16; theft, 23, 25, 112,
120–25, 137, 152, 157, 236, 240–42, 295, 305, 318–19, 322, 367n13; types of items carried to support, 124, 127, 138, 141, 148–52, 153t, 154–55t, 366n9; uses of wallet and purse contents to achieve/support, 120, 124, 127, 136, 145, 147,
151; work, 142, 148, 152–53, 156, 371n24. See also credit cards; email; gender; modern/modernity; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; private; relationships; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; self; strangers; trash; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents
information: as increasing focus of privacy, 6–7, 117, 236; private nature of, 110–15, 117,
120–26, 131, 134–37, 140, 143, 145–46, 209, 283–85, 299–311, 315–31, 320–22,
359n6, 360n10, 361n15, 362n22, 363n23, 363n28, 365n2, 368n25, 371n23; “too much,” 79, 368n23. See also money; neighbors; power; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; sociotechnical system(s); technology(ies);
technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among
Instant Messaging (IM), 177, 182, 187–88, 191
Intel Research Council, xi, 16
interruptions: agendas and, 163, 170, 370n4; attention management and, 163–64, 175–76,
370n7; as demands for attention, 7, 161–63, 175–76, 370nn6–7; gender and,
370n7, 371n16; power and, 163–64, 170, 370n6; status and, 163–64, 370n7,
371n16; waiting and, 163. See also attention; power
interviews (for Islands of Privacy study): confidentiality and, 19; description of, ix, x, 2–
3, 16–19, 99–100, 162, 372n28; Intel Research Council funding for, xi,
16; nonrepresentative nature of, 18–19, 84; objects and, 99–100, 134, 149,
366n12; participants, 17–19, 18t, 366n12; questionnaire, 19, appendix A;
transcription conventions, 358n2
Ishikawa, Sara, 374n9
“islands of privacy” metaphor, 3–6, 10–13, 26, 98, 156, 160, 294, 322–23, 325, 333,
Jackall, Robert, 357n3
Jacobs, Jane, 258, 368n22, 374n9
Jasper, James M., 368n22
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 23, 62, 220–22, 374n8
Jillson, Joyce, 358n7
Johnson, Anna, 369n29
Kassanoff, Bruce, 298, 379n5
Katz, Jack, 293–94, 316, 370n9, 379n4
Katz, James E., 371n22, 373n38
Keegan, John, 364nn35–36
Klinenberg, Eric, 358–59n4, 376n28
Kumer, Krishan, 114
Lally, Elaine, 270
Lane, Frederick S., 298
Lasch, Christopher, 378n1
Laslett, B., 359n5
Latour, Bruno, 151n34
Levine, Donald N., 22, 358n1
Levine, John R., 7, 368n24
Linda Tripp, 291
Ling, Richard, 371n12

Lives of Others, The, 364n11

Lofland, Lyn H., 251, 268–70, 357n5, 365n3, 368nn22–23, 372n33, 376–77nn28–29,
Luckmann, Thomas, 289, 369n34
Lukes, Steven, 163, 165, 370n5
Luna, J. J., 368n22, 376n21
Lyman, Stanford, 369n34
Lyng, Steven, 369n34
Lyon, David, 368n24
mail: carriers, 244–45, 247–49, 376n23; junk, 240–41; neighbors and, 245–47, 264;
private-public hybrid nature of, 244–45, 248–49, 376n21; similar to trash, 240–
42, 244–45. See also objects; objects, classification of; trash
Margulis, Stephen T., 358n9, 366n7
Marx, Gary T., xi, 367n15, 368n24
Marx, Karl, 165, 362n22
McKeown, Kevin, 298, 376n21
McLellan, David, 370n8
McLuhan, Marshall, 184, 372n37
Melican, Jay, ix–x, 97, 313n6
Meyrowitz, Joshua, 175, 373n38
Milgram, Stanley, 204–5, 219, 257, 269, 372n33
modern/modernity: American lifestyle, 144; burden of, 144, 157, 159–61, 321; economy and interfacing, 136; identity kits and, 141, 153t, 154–56t; Late, 116, 152–53,
317; post-, 168, 209; sense of self, 168. See also identity; wallets and purses;
wallets and purses, contents
Molotch, H., xi, 372n29
money: cash versus other forms of, 132, 136–38; coins versus bills, 107t, 127, 132–34,
136, 366n11; fears about, 29–30, 134; importance/meaning of amount, 29, 131–
36, 149, 366, 369n32; information about, 74, 80, 113t, 134–35, 149; as an object,
113t, 124, 127, 136, 366n10, 367n17; private-public hybrid nature of, 103t, 108,
110, 124–25, 129–34, 136, 242; similar to jewelry, 369n33; use of in transactions,
131–35, 142, 222. See also objects; objects, classification of
Morrill, Calvin, 367n19, 370n2
Nathan, Rebekah, 225
neighborhoods: collective ownership model of, 378; “community” vs., 271, 376–77nn28–
30; comparisons of, 260, 273–74, 277–81; “good,” 271–72, 281, 373–74n6;
importance of privacy within, 260, 319–20; nature of relationships within, 23,
254–55, 258, 261, 280, 377n29; parties, 276–77; private, parochial, and public space within, 251, 268–70, 377n29; protection and safety of, 224–26, 249, 276; urban, 224–25, 228, 249, 268–70, 273, 277–80, 365n3, 372n33, 373–74nn6–7,
376–77nn28–29, 378n33. See also children; dogs; relationships; strangers neighbors: avoidance techniques for, 254, 263–64; “bad,” 246, 262, 273–75;
classification of, 218, 262, 270; control of information among, 209, 212–14, 223–
25, 226–31, 236–49, 255–57, 261–71, 279–80; cookies and, 264–65; dynamic nature of relationships with, 253, 265–66, 270; “funny little dance,” 261–66, 271; “good,” 226, 245, 262, 280–81; interactions with, 3, 23, 253–55, 259, 261–66,
275, 277–78, 378n33; privacy expectations among, 23, 227, 229–31, 245–46,
260–62, 265–68, 270–76, 376–77n28, 378n33. See also mail
Newman, Katherine, 367n18
9/11 (September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade
Center), 17, 60, 297–98, 317, 320–21, 360n13, 362n22
Nippert-Eng, Christena, 4, 10, 99, 112–13, 131, 141, 147, 150, 161, 163, 357n2, 359n9,
360n12, 364–65n42, 366n12, 369n28, 371n16, 371n24, 376n27, 379n8
Nock, Steven L., 142–44
objects: private, 98, 108–9, 112, 117, 119, 124, 127–30, 129f, 149, 291, 306–7, 366n9,
369n26, 376n24; public, 110, 117, 127–30, 129f, 137, 147–48, 366n9, 376n24;
related to self, 108–9, 112, 116–17, 120, 124–30, 129f, 137, 147–49, 151, 213,
366nn9–10, 367n14; as representations of relationships, 128, 138, 140, 148, 150,
243, 367n17, 369n32; secret, 78, 213, 285. See also framing/frame analysis;
identity; interviews (for Islands of Privacy study); self
objects, classification of, 109, 112, 116–18, 128–30, 129f, 365–66nn4–5; hybrid (private- public), 100, 109, 111–12, 116–17, 128–29, 129f; business cards as, 101–4t, 108,
130–31, 139–40; contents of wallets and purses as, 131, 136; credit cards as, 101–
2t, 108, 116–17, 130–31, 136–38; homes as, 212–13; mail as, 245, 250,
376n21; money as, 101–3t, 108, 124–25, 130–36, 369n33; streets as, 249, 251,
376n24; trash as, 238, 242–43, 245, 376nn20–21
O’Brien, Tim, 147n27
Oldenburg, Ray, 143n19
Olson, Judith S., 371n23
Orwell, George, 364n34, 364n37
Palen, Leysia, 368n25, 371n23
parking (street): Chicago, 85, 249–51, 376n24; Private-public hybrid nature of, 85, 249–
51, 376n24; social accessibility and, 251–52
Pattillo-McCoy, Mary, 376n28
Perlow, Leslie, 370n7, 371n16
Pink, Daniel H., 153, 369n36, 371n25
power: accessibility and, 162–65; agenda-setting as, 162–64, 166, 170, 174, 177, 179,
190, 370n4, 370n10; attention and, 163–64, 166–67, 170, 174, 181, 199, 202; boundary-setting and, 7, 10, 163; control of information and, 51–52, 56; distribution of, 17, 41, 45, 51–52, 162–63, 167, 173, 199, 370nn2–3; group versus individual, 6, 9–10, 170; interruptions and, 163–64, 174, 370nn4–5; privacy and,
7, 9, 51–52, 163, 166–67, 290–91, 294–95, 359n5; relationships and, 51–52, 60,
202; secrets and, 33–34, 41, 45, 51–52, 56, 60, 359n5, 363n26; use of ICTs to regain, 179–81. See also attention; interruptions; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work

Primary Colors, 357n4

privacy: achieving, 2, 3, 5–8, 17–19, 22, 24–25, 88, 99, 156–57, 160, 169, 177, 208–9,
261, 270, 282, 284, 297, 322, 324, 359n5, 378n36; acquisition of, as work, 8, 22,
24, 324; active-passive continuum of techniques to achieve, 25; Bush (George
W.)–Cheney Administration, 17, 70, 298, 301, 360; classic liberalism and, 6,
298; constraints on, 3, 7, 11, 260–61, 365, 378; control, as central to, 7–8; definition of, 5, 7–8, 22–23, 366; de-/resensitization towards amount of, 233–36; desire for, in balance with publicity, 5, 7, 22; dynamic nature of, 8, 22, 280, 323–
24; as an endpoint on an accessibility continuum, 4–5, 141–284; etiquette and,
24–25; gifted nature of, 7–9, 24, 230, 289, 363; “good,” 7–8, 281; history of, 6–7,
117, 169; identity and need for, 22–24; as inaccessibility, 6–8, 22, 125, 157, 160,
162, 166, 169, 219–20, 223, 284; individual burden of, 157, 179, 311, 321–22,
364n34; law, 3, 6–7, 11, 26, 56, 58, 60–64, 73, 82, 86, 96, 112, 114, 121–22, 128–
29, 132, 142, 147, 211–12, 252, 291–92, 298, 312, 316, 323, 352, 355, 363n28,
375n16, 376n25, 377n29; managerial conception of, 3, 7–8, 11, 22–24, 87, 96, 99,
128, 141–42, 156–57, 160–61, 168–69, 173–74, 176–77, 179–81, 182, 184, 185f,
195–96, 199, 202, 204, 209, 213–14, 223, 238, 243, 257, 281–82, 324, 363–
64n32, 367–68n20, 378n34; media and, 16–17, 291, 316; negotiated nature of, 2,
4, 7, 11, 44, 99, 118, 156, 160, 177, 251, 257, 261, 271–72, 281, 323, 325; race and, 268; “right to,” 6, 13–14, 22–23, 41–42, 45–47, 49–51, 67, 73–74, 174, 274,
294, 348, 359n5, 363n26, 363n32, 378n1; security and, 17, 142, 200, 224–26,
257, 269, 303, 307, 319–21, 380n11; signaling desire for, 6, 9–10, 13, 28, 85, 167,
205–6, 218, 223–24, 262, 307, 323, 350; status and, 33, 129, 131, 147, 150, 163–
65, 185, 268, 291, 294, 324, 347; surveillance and, 21–31, 80–82, 143–44,
368n24, 378n36; trade-offs, 6, 234, 319–21, 355, 379n5, 380n11. See also
accessibility; accessibility, social; culture; dogs; framing/frame analysis; identity; information; “islands of privacy” metaphor; neighborhoods; neighbors; power; publicity; relationships; risk; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; selective concealment and disclosure; strangers; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; windows
privacy, fears, 3, 90, 116, 125, 134, 137, 220, 284–85, 297, 303–5, 310, 312, 313, 316,
317–22; on behalf of children, 72–74, 124–25, 309–10, 322; consumers and, 299–
301, 321–22, 379n5; corporations and, 3, 6, 145–46, 298–301, 316, 322, 371n15;
decision to act on, 302–3, 305, 309, 311–12, 316, 318–22, 380; definition of, 297–
98, 301, 358–59; dimensions of, 298, 313–14; electronic, 299, 301–2, 313–16,
379nn7–9, 368n24; emotion and, 298, 316; fears map, 313–14, 313f, 379n6;
frame analysis and, 297–98, 316; “general,” 298–301; government and, 298, 301,
316; importance of, 3, 312; learning about, 297, 316–17, 324–25, 360; media and,
16–17, 291, 316; practical consequences of, 298, 305, 318–19; preventive behaviors, 301–3, 305, 316; professionals’ vigilance based on, 305–10,
312; resistance to, 304–5, 311–12, 316; scenarios and, 317–18; sources of, 316–
18; “specific,” 298, 301–22; strangers and, 271, 304–5, 314–15; symbolic consequences of, 298, 305–6, 318–19; types of, 298; value of worst case scenarios about, 312. See also accessibility; accessibility, social; culture; dogs; framing/ frame analysis; identity; information; “islands of privacy” metaphor;
neighborhoods; neighbors; power; publicity; relationships; risk; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; selective concealment and disclosure; strangers; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/ channeling among; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; windows
privacy, places associated with: bathrooms, 1, 29, 40, 43, 52–53, 108, 113t, 167, 244,
275, 357n6, 365n1; bedrooms, 1–2, 5, 10, 31–32, 52, 57, 79, 244, 284–85, 324,
354, 375; cars, 115, 119, 121, 132, 165, 186, 207, 213, 225, 227, 234, 246, 250–
53, 261, 282, 300, 320–21, 355; cities, 166, 204–5, 219, 228, 232–33, 236, 244,
247, 249, 251, 253, 281, 319–20, 365n3, 368nn22–23, 372nn32–33, 374n8,
375n15; the home, 1–3, 9, 111, 113t, 173–74, 191, 211–17, 221–23, 226–27, 230,
233, 241, 243, 247, 254, 258–61, 270–73, 279, 282–83, 309–10, 360n13, 373nn2–
3, 375n16; the home, in public housing, 18, 235, 260, 273, 279, 376n26, 378n35;
in public, 2–4, 11, 13, 31 52, 98, 113–14, 115t, 126, 132, 134, 160–61, 165–66,
212, 235, 239, 242–43, 249–51, 268–69, 279, 286, 295, 303, 357n5, 365nn1–3,
370n10, 376n25, 378n34; the shower, 1, 9, 113t, 197, 233, 288–89; the street, 98,
166, 226, 236, 249–51, 268–69, 365n1, 374n12; the United States, 2, 6, 16–18,
60, 76, 82, 148, 185, 212, 218, 221–23, 310, 324, 360n13, 375n37, 376n22; workspace, xi, 175–76, 189, 225–26, 230, 287, 306 (see also neighborhoods). See also accessibility; accessibility, social; culture; dogs; framing/frame analysis; identity; information; “islands of privacy” metaphor; neighborhoods; neighbors; power; publicity; relationships; risk; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy,
work; selective concealment and disclosure; strangers; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; windows
privacy, types of: auditory, 13–14, 85, 112, 207, 272–76, 296, 307n10; electronic, 170,
198, 209, 212, 299, 301–2, 313–16, 368n24, 379nn7–9; financial, 23, 104, 108,
113t, 129, 135–38, 144, 238, 242, 246, 301–2, 305; informational, 110–15, 117,
120–26, 131, 134–37, 140, 143, 145–46, 209, 236, 283–85, 299–311, 331–15,
320–22, 359n6, 360n10, 361n15, 362n22, 363n23, 363n28, 365n2, 368n25,
371n23; medical, 44–46, 58, 89–96, 113t, 124, 140, 285–86, 291–92, 295–96,
304, 310–11; olfactory, 13–14, 165, 212, 226; visual, 13–14, 48, 166, 207, 211–
13, 222–34, 266, 373n2, 374–75n12. See also accessibility; accessibility, social; culture; dogs; framing/frame analysis; identity; information; “islands of privacy” metaphor; neighborhoods; neighbors; power; publicity; relationships; risk; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; selective concealment and disclosure; strangers; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/ channeling among; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; windows
privacy, violations, 9, 14, 37, 42, 48, 165, 173, 221, 279, 283–97, 290f, 301, 305–6, 310,
312–14, 313f, 318, 324, 370n9, 378–79nn1–3, 379n10; definition of, 14, 42, 48,
284–85, 289; experiential impact of, 289, 291, 293–95, 297, 379n3,
379n10; frame analysis of, 289, 290f, 291–93, 379n2; Google Street View and,
374n12; along household perimeter, 221, 225–26, 236, 247, 279; information and communication technologies and, 173, 187, 313–15, 368n25; Linda Tripp and,
290–91; list of examples of, 285–89; as a mismatch in perception versus reality,
289; nature of, 37, 84, 173, 283–84, 289–95, 305–6, 313–14f, 378–79n1, 379n2; practical consequences of, 3; prevention of (see privacy fears); prevention of, professionals’ versus lay people’s interpretations, 291–93; prevention of, realization of, 285, 289, 291–94, 322, 368n25; recovery from, 295–97, 316; secrets and, 42, 48, 72; self and, 294–95; symbolic consequences of, 165–66,
293–95, 305–6, 309, 318, 370n9, 379n10; tsunami-like, 291; wallets and purses and, 119, 126. See also accessibility; accessibility, social; culture; dogs; framing/ frame analysis; identity; information; “islands of privacy” metaphor; neighborhoods; neighbors; power; publicity; relationships; risk; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; selective concealment and disclosure; strangers; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/ channeling among; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; windows
private: conflict over what is, 4–5, 14–15, 46, 49–51, 162, 175, 188, 190, 213, 240, 251,
323, 370n2, 377n29; culturally specific nature of, 16–17; definition of, 4–5, 109–
15, 323; as endpoint on access-based continuum, 4–5, 242; requiring personal protection, 9, 11, 24–25, 109–10, 112, 129–30, 138, 152, 176, 185, 209, 236,
366n9; as requiring social consensus, 9, 10; secret versus, 24, 25; space, 2–3, 7,
9–10, 13–14, 22, 24, 48, 54, 98, 117, 160–61, 167, 170, 173, 179, 186, 190, 209,
212, 221–23, 227, 243, 249–51, 254, 261, 263, 269, 279, 282, 306, 309, 313–14,
324, 357n5, 365n1, 373n1, 377n29; subjects commonly considered, 108–9;
things, defined, 2, 4, 24–25, 108–9, 112, 113t, 114–15, 323; time, 2–3, 6–7, 9–11,
22, 27, 98, 160–61, 163–67, 170–73, 175–77, 179–80, 186, 198–200, 209, 214,
220–21, 262, 264, 284, 291, 309, 323–34, 365n1, 370n5, 376n24. See also beaches; boundary(ies) (categorical/classificatory); business card(s); credit cards; dogs; information; mail; money; neighborhoods; objects; objects, classification of; parking (street); secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; trash; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents; yards
public, 14; conflict over what is, 4–5, 14–15, 46, 49–51, 162, 175, 188, 190, 213, 240,
251, 323, 370n2, 377n29; culturally specific nature of, 16–17; definition of, 4–5,
109–15, 323; as endpoint on access-based continuum, 4, 5, 242; housing, 18, 235,
260, 273, 279, 376n26, 378n35; requiring others’ collective protection, 114–15; things, list of, 114–15, 115t. See also accessibility; accessibility, social; beaches; boundary(ies) (categorical/classificatory); business card(s); credit cards; dogs; government; mail; money; neighborhoods; objects; objects, classification of; parking (street); privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations
publicity: as accessibility, 3–4, 157, 166; definition of, 4–5; desire for, in balance with privacy, 4–5, 7, 76, 138–39, 225, 261; economy of strangers and need for, 144; as an endpoint on an accessibility continuum, 4–5, 323; frame analysis of, 290, 378–
79n1, 279n2; individual burden of, 83, 144, 157, 176, 218; mismatches in
perception versus reality of, 290, 379n2; no “right to,” 378–79n1. See also accessibility; accessibility, social; culture; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents
Rabin, Susan, 358n7
RFID (radio frequency identification), 355, 365n2
relationships: demands for attention and, 170, 202, 370n7; identity and, 22–23; increase in number of, due to technology, 168–69, 174, 177; managing privacy to manage,
3, 6, 8, 22–24, 51, 167–68, 170, 202, 209–10, 230–31, 262, 282; nature of, in urban neighborhoods, 265–66, 269–71, 367n19, 377n29–30; objects as representations of, 128, 138, 140, 148, 150, 243, 367n17, 369n32; secrets as a measure of intimacy in, 23, 27–33, 35, 46, 51, 360–61; the “self” and, 6, 22, 34,
74, 96, 209; social accessibility and 160, 167–70, 200, 202, 205, 209, 262, 265–
66; violations as reflections of, 293–94, 316–17. See also accessibility; accessibility, social; neighborhoods; neighbors; objects; objects, classification of; power; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; self; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among; windows
Richardson, Laurel, 360n10, 361n19
risk: decision making and assessment of, 16, 74, 83, 124–25, 145, 231, 233, 240, 364n42; privacy fears and, 317–18; scenarios and, 317–18; “society,” 116, 204. See also trash
Rochberg-Halton, Eugene, 147, 149
Rosen, Jeffrey, 7, 23, 229
Rotenberg, Marc, 379n9
Rule, James, 368n24
Ryan, Dan, xi, 35, 360n10, 371n13
Rybczynski, Witold, 378n32
scenarios: classification and, 48, 116, 271, 312, 365n4; running, 40, 45, 87, 116–18, 312,
317–18; worst-case, 271, 312. See also modern/modernity; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations
Schama, Simon, 378n32
Schrage, Michael, 168
Schutz, Alfred, 289
Schwartz, Barry, 7, 98, 143, 147, 151n34, 163, 268, 357n1, 366n9
Scott, Marvin B., 369n34
secrets and secrecy: birth and death of, 25, 36, 37, 42; boundary play and, 359, 360;
boundary work and, 27, 31, 360n10; Bush (G. W.) Administration and, 17, 60,
298, 360n13; codes, 82, 85, 104, 112, 114, 235, 263, 265, 345, 348, 350;
collective, 26, 34, 36, 44, 77–84, 88–89, 361n15, 361n21; confession and, 34, 35,
361n18, 363n23; disclosure/exposure of, 36–38, 78, 363n23; dynamic nature of,
26–27, 78; formal versus informal, 25; form versus content of, 25–28, 33, 35;
importance to self-identity, 27–30, 363n24; intentionality and, 25, 27, 37–40, 45,
77, 83; intimacy and, 23, 25, 27–28, 45, 76, 361n15, 366n9; isolating effect of,
34, 205–8, 349, 361n15, 362n21; learning about, 22–23, 30, 33, 52–53, 64, 76,
83–84, 87–88; life of, 36–40, 42; managing, 3, 22, 24, 34–36, 53, 60, 72, 77, 80,
87–89, 96; mapping the, 38–40t; morality of, 42–43, 46–47, 86, 89, 359n5,
363n26, 363n32; open, 361n21; organizational, 33, 55–56, 67, 74–76; outed, 27,
36, 48–50, 66, 275, 351; PostSecret community art project and, 361, 361n17; power and, 7, 17, 33, 41, 45, 51–52, 56, 60, 66, 77, 359n5, 361n17, 363n26; “private” things and privacy versus, 24–25, 359nn5–7; relationships and, 22, 24,
27–37, 41–53, 60, 71–72, 74, 89, 96, 360n10, 361n18, 363n23; socially binding effect of, 27–28, 30–34, 230, 361n19, 361n21; solely owned, 26, 33–34, 42–43,
361n17, 362n21; State, 26, 82, 362n22, 363n27; structural logic of, 35–38; as a subset of unshared information, 25, 37, 30–34, 230, 361n19, 361n21; temporal nature of, 26, 35, 40, 44–45, 363n23; torture and, 362n22, 363n24
secrets and secrecy, work: anticipated consequences of, 70–76; competency in, 35–37,
41, 52–53, 55–56, 58–60, 64, 67, 70, 77, 82, 88, 89; decision making, 8, 22, 25,
28, 30, 35–37, 41–43, 45–48, 52–53, 55–56, 58, 66, 67, 70–76, 78, 86–89, 96,
359n8, 363n25; definition of, 22, 34–36; fieldcraft, 76–77, 89, 360n13;
importance of how it is done, 27, 34–36, 363n23; individual versus collective, 36,
52, 67, 77–80, 82, 88; knowledge of, 35–37, 41, 53, 70, 76, 83, 87, 88, 324;
knowledge of, nonhumans and, 87; “ownership” and, 363, 364; skills and techniques, 35–37, 52–54, 61–64, 67–70, 76–88, 96, 324, 345–56, 362n22,
364n37; “successful”(definition of), 34–35; tangibles versus intangibles, 36, 77–
78, 89; transgendered case of, 89–96; trash and, 87–88, 238, 364n40; willingness to do, 66–67, 71. See also children; identity; power; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; relationships
security, 17, 142, 200, 224–26, 257, 269, 303, 307, 319–21, 380n11
Sedgewick, Eve Kosofsky, 359n8
selective concealment and disclosure: daily need for balance in, 5, 7, 10, 24, 99, 145;
decisions about, 17, 22, 24, 27, 36–37, 49–51, 70, 146, 303, 359n8, 361n17,
364n34, 367nn15–16, 369n33; difficulty of former versus latter, 8–9, 36–37, 56–
60, 359n6, 363n23, 364n34; as a goal, 7–8, 262, 357n3, 364n34; “good” privacy and, 8; as method to achieve privacy, 2–3, 5–7, 10, 22, 50–51, 70, 99, 141, 148,
238, 303, 359n6, 364n34; relative difficulty of, 8–9, 27, 50–51, 55–66, 77, 359n8,
360n10, 361n17, 363n23. See also identity; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents
self: affect of ICTs on the, 167–70, 175–77, 371n23; -centeredness of wallet/purse contents, 151–52, 156; free agency and the, 153, 156; “narratives of the,” 147,
149, 151–52, 312–13; objects related to, 99, 112, 126–30, 129f, 213; “reflexive project of the,” 146–47, 152, 155–56; relationships and the, 6, 22, 34, 74, 96, 209; therapy and attention to the, 33–34, 50, 89–96, 361n18, 369n35; wallet and purse
contents as props for the, 156–57. See also modern/modernity; objects; objects, classification of; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; relationships; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/ channeling among; wallets and purses; wallets and purses, contents
Sennett, Richard, 143, 152–53, 368n22
Shapiro, Susan P., 143
Shields, Rob, 176
Shils, Edward A., 359n6
Silverstein, Murray, 374n9
Simmel, Georg, 22, 27, 34, 141, 152, 168, 204, 213, 358n1, 360n10, 361n20, 367n17,
Smith, Robert Ellis, 7, 117, 245, 368n25, 376n22
Snow, David A., 367nn14–15, 367n19
sociotechnical system(s): components of, 180–81, 184–85, 185f, 195, 198, 202; dynamic, individualized nature of, 181–82, 185f, 195, 198, 200–202; dysfunctions within,
192–93, 202–4; goals of, 180–81, 184–65, 185f, 196, 198, 202; information and communication technologies as part of, 181–82, 184–85, 185f, 195, 198, 202; as a solution to demands for attention, 179–81, 184–86, 185f, 195–96, 198, 202, 204. See also email; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication
(ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/
channeling among; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar) Spillman, Lynette, 369n34
Staples, William G., 368n24
status (social), 33, 129, 131, 147, 150, 163–65, 185, 268, 291, 294, 324, 347
Stebben, Gregg, 368n24
Stern, David, 298, 376n21
strangers: computers as, 314–15; economy of, 142–45, 157; “familiar,” 257, 269; identity kit contents and, 99, 125, 139, 142–44; privacy fears and, 125, 219, 271, 293,
315; treatment of, 99, 139, 219–21, 223, 269, 271, 296, 314–15; urban neighborhoods and, 219, 253, 269, 271, 281. See also dogs; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; publicity; technology(ies); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs); technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/ channeling among
Strauss, Anselm L., 142, 367n16
Swidler, Ann, 312
Sykes, Charles J., 368n24
technology(ies): definition of, 208–9, 372nn36–37; as entry point to privacy, 372–73,
379; as part of sociotechnical systems, 179–85, 202–3; preferences for, 176, 184–
86, 188–91, 199–201; role in achieving privacy, 179, 202, 208; role in challenging
privacy, 7, 145, 167–79, 201, 208, 365n2, 367n13, 368n25; sensory “overload”
effect of, 178, 203–5, 372; social accessibility and, 160–62, 167–70, 174–75, 181,
188–89, 193–96, 198, 200–202, 205–9; urbanizing effect of, 204–5. See also attention; beepers; email; filtering/screening behaviors; Instant Messaging (IM); privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; relationships; sociotechnical systems; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell (ullar)
technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs): “absent presence” and, 176,
372; affect on boundaries of social worlds and identities, 160–62, 175, 371; affect on relationships, 167–70, 174; affect on the self, 175–76; bullying via, 169–70,
173; competition for attention via, 176–77; “compulsion of proximity” and, 181,
371–72n27, 372n29; conflict over, 176–77. See also attention; beepers; email; filtering/screening behaviors; Instant Messaging (IM); privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; relationships; sociotechnical systems; telephone(s); telephone(s), cell(ullar)
technology(ies), information and communication (ICTs), channels/channeling among, 3,
52, 160, 168, 174, 177, 182; “abuse” of, 186–88; conflict over, 188–91; corrupted,
191–92; false, 195–96; for friends versus strangers, 186; management of demands via, post-receipt, 196–99; management of demands via, prereceipt, 182–85, 185f; participants’ total access points via, 177–78, 178t; preferences for, 182–85, 196,
205; response rates of different, 184–85, 185f; use of, in a sociotechnical system,
179–85. See also beepers; email; filtering/screening behaviors; Instant Messaging
(IM); RFID (radio frequency identification); telephone(s); telephone(s), cell
(ullar); telemarketers
telemarketers, 23, 169, 186–87, 191–93, 196, 295, 304; changes in phone answering behavior due to, 170–74; gaming, 173–74; Jehovah’s Witnesses similar to, 23
telephone(s): answering behaviors, 161–62, 170–71, 173–74, 180, 186–87, 189, 191,
193–94, 196–98, 201–3; answering machines, 184, 195, 201, 202, 221; Caller ID,
171, 180–81, 184, 192–94, 200, 203; channeling and, 182–84, 185f, 191, 195;
filtering/screening and, 182–85, 187, 192–94, 196, 198, 200, 214; home, 171–72,
183, 191, 197; integration of social worlds/selves, 160–62, 175, 371; as part of a sociotechnical system, 179–82, 195, 202; social accessibility and, 168, 185–89; voicemail, 171–72, 181, 186, 196, 202; work(place), 161, 180, 196–97. See also children; door-answering behaviors; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; telemarketers
telephone(s), cell(ullar), 185–87, 191, 371; annoyance with, 13, 165, 175–77, 187, 191,
203, 296, 372n27; at the beach, 15; giving out numbers for, 23, 111, 139, 175–76,
180–87, 223, 371n19; “interruptus,” 161, 175, 370n1; versus other phones, 181–
85, 187, 190–91, 195, 223, 272n30, 273n22, 321, 355, 366n8, 371n22, 373n38;
personal nature of, 186, 195, 223, 371n12; for work, 63, 105, 107, 111, 139, 175–
76, 179, 181–87. See also children; door-answering behaviors; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations; telemarketers
trash: Christmas trees, 243, 375; classification of, 235–36, 238–40, 242, 271, 375n14,
376n20, 376n24; definition of, 375n16, 376n20, 376n24; effort versus risk of violation via, 235–36, 239–42; identity theft and, 240–42, 376n21; mail, similar
to, 244–45, 248–49, 376n21; paying attention to, 234–36, 241, 281; private nature of, 235, 242, 376; private-public hybrid nature of, 110, 210, 213, 235–38, 242–44,
249, 375n16, 375–76nn18–20, 376n24; public nature of, 236, 238, 244, 252,
375n15, 376n21; secret, 87–88, 238, 240, 244, 285, 318, 348; shredding, 234,
236–42, 318, 348 (appendix B); sorting, 235–42, 348, 375n14; at work, 235,
239. See also mail; objects; objects, classification of; secrets and secrecy; secrets and secrecy, work
Tuan, Yi-Fu, 325, 378n32
Urry, John, 378n32
Van Maanen, John, 369n34
Vaughan, Diane, 32–33, 312, 360n11
Veblen, Thorsten, 185
Venkatesh, Sudhir, 376n28, 378n35
Vinitzky-Seroussi, Vered, xi, 147, 367nn14–15, 369n34, 373n3
wallets and purses: as autobiographical occasions/props, 127, 146–57, 369n34;
choreographies around, 148; extensive vs. minimal, 151–56; flirting and, 15, 147,
369n26; gendered nature of, 148; as identity kits, 99, 141, 145; identity theft and,
120–25; as islands of privacy, 97–99, 156, 185; modern versus late-modern, 152–
56; oriented toward self versus others, 148; protection of/control over, 118–20,
124–26; reflexive project of self and, 146, 152; role in achieving privacy, 3, 98–
99; self-identity and, 146–57, 213; socialization regarding, 97–99, 126, 148–49;
trust, reputation and, 142–44; twin burdens of privacy and publicity and, 144–45,
156–57. See also beaches; identity; objects; objects, classification of; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations
wallets and purses, contents: private-public classification of, 96, 99–115 (stem and leaf diagram, 100–107); selective concealment and disclosure of, 96, 126–30, 129f,
141–46, 149, 365n2, 367n16; sorting model, 129f, 130–40, 366n9. See also beaches; identity; objects; objects, classification of; privacy; privacy, fears; privacy, places associated with; privacy, types of; privacy, violations
Warren, C., 359n5
Warren, Samuel D., 7
Weintraub, Jeff, 114
Wellman, Barry, 377n30
West, C., 148, 324
Westin, Alan F., 6, 170, 208
Whalley, Peter, 369n36
White, Cindy, 369n19
Whyte, William Foote, 376n28
Wilson, Cintra, 378n1
windows: adapting behaviors due to, 227, 231, 233, 375n13; car, 234; curtains, blinds, and other treatments for, 207–8, 211, 223–24, 227–29, 231–32; Google street view and, 374–75n12; lack of, 55, 226; managing relationships via, 230–31; as part of a system, 213–15, 223; privacy violations and, 48, 233, 279; security problems with, 225–26; signs in, 223–25; two-way nature of, 225–27, 229, 231,
234, 374n10; visual accessibility of others through, 48, 213, 220, 223–24, 229–31,
233–34, 279
Wirth, Louis, 204, 372n32
Woolgar, Steve, 369n34
yards: accessibility and, 212–13, 223, 253, 255, 259–62; designed boundary features,
222, 257, 259–61; front versus back, 222–23, 261, 270; interaction in/across, 223,
253–54, 259, 261–63; private-public nature of, 212, 222–23, 252, 261, 266
Zelizer, Viviana, 133, 367n17, 369n32
Zerubavel, Eviatar, xi, 4, 33, 51, 159–60, 165–66, 361–62n21, 363n29, 364n33, 371n14,
Zimmerman, D., 148, 324
Zussman, Robert, 147